Home office instead of Waldsee

Bernhard Martin, Wenn Käse eine Währung wäre, 2020, Acrylic paint and coloured pencils on paper, 59 x 41,5 cm, photo: Roman März
Most of the employees of Haus am Waldsee are now working from home. Our team meetings take place virtually rather than in our beautiful new library created by artist Sabina Nordalm. On its wall is the ten-part series of drawings “Wenn Käse eine Währung wäre” (2020, acrylic/coloured pencil on paper) by Bernhard Martin, which was created for our current exhibition, which hangs completely and will be open to everyone from 21 April. It is a depiction of nature featuring a dandelion and snail under leaf-like slices of Swiss cheese falling down from the left. On the third sheet it begins to rain and slowly the water rises from sheet to sheet, seahorses and moles are added, a raft with a cheese-slice sail emerges and finally the wedding of the seahorses takes place under the umbrella of a white jellyfish, completely under water.
Martin resorts to an almost old-masterly aesthetic accentuating the drawings with white. The sheets change between Renaissance drawing freely after Dürer or Baldung and Disney. Not only the Noachian flood comes to mind, but also the consequences of the worldwide rise in sea levels due to the melting of the polar caps.